HLT40221 Certificate IV in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Primary Health Care Practice
Study for a career in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health care.
This qualification reflects the role of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioners. It is specific to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people who work as part of a multidisciplinary health care team providing primary health care services to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander clients and communities.
They provide culturally safe health and wellbeing promotion, preventative health care and clinical treatment services in a diversity of locations including urban, rural and remote settings.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioners use initiative and judgement within the parameters of practice standards, treatment protocols and clinical supervision arrangements established by the employing organisation. This qualification provides a pathway to work in a range of health care settings including Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander community organisations, and the public or private health sector.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioners are registered with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practice Board of Australia (ATSIHPBA) and, only when registered, can use the protected title of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander health practitioner. However, registration is not automatically linked to an individual’s certification in this qualification. Current requirements for practitioners to complete an accredited program of study, and how training organisations accredit their program, should be checked with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practice Accreditation Committee (ATSIHPAC).

It is a VACCHO requirement for those wishing to undertake this course that they:
- must be prepared to complete a Learning, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) assessment and Pre-training Requirements (PTR) as part of the enrolment process.
- are over 18 years old at the time of enrolment.
- Are either
- working or volunteering in roles providing support to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people or
- working or volunteering for an Aboriginal Organisation or
- employed or have the capacity to volunteer at an organisation relevant to this course to complete their work placement hours/workplace-based assessments.
- have wide-ranging skills and knowledge about Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander ways of living.
- have basic digital skills in using Microsoft Office programs such as Word and PowerPoint, such as creating and saving a new file and adding and editing text, tables, images, and fonts.
- have basic internet skills to undertake online research.
Learn how to provide high-level clinical and primary health care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals and families, including professional advice about healthy living lifestyles.
Learn how to administer medication and collect blood samples safely.
Develop advocacy skills that enable you to support clients’ rights and needs effectively.

This course is typically offered over 26 months with classes held once a month, Tuesday – Thursday, 9.00 am- 5.00 pm.

Delivery and Locations
17-23 Sackville Street,

Written questions, portfolio, workplace project, case studies, role plays, observation / demonstration, logbook

Cost (Fees & Charges)
Refer to Fees & Charges.
Ask about our RPL fees if you have previous equivalent experiences

HLT40221 Certificate IV in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Primary Health Care Practice subject to satisfactory course completion and meeting all VACCHO terms & conditions
This training program has been developed in consultation with other ACCHOs and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community sector to ensure its relevance.
Our staff have current on-the-job experience, bringing this into the training program to offer real industry training based on current industry trends.
We offer in-house Mentors and support and have also teamed up with external experts to ensure that you are fully supported to succeed.
The units of competency listed below are an example of the units that would typically be included in this qualification.
HLTAID011 – Provide first aid (NOTE: Students need to complete unit externally and provide a valid First Aid certificate for a credit transfer prior to completion of course)
Intermediate computer skills, including the ability to access and search the internet, use software (such as Microsoft Word) to create documents, upload and download documents.
A National Police Clearance and Working with Children Check (WWCC) is required before the placement component can be undertaken.
Evidence of some vaccinations is also a requirement including but not limited to influenza (flu) vaccination and COVID vaccination prior to the placement component.
If you have previously completed one or more of the above units, please ask about our Credit Transfer services. If you have a range of work and life experiences that relate to one or more of these units, please ask about our Recognition of Prior Learning/Competency (RPL) services.
If eligible, you will not be required to undertake these units again as you will receive recognition of your prior studies and/or experiences.
Take a glimpse at the jobs you can take on—possible tasks, salary information, skill level required, and industry growth forecast: https://labourmarketinsights.gov.au/
800 hrs of Practical Placement are required to develop skills and competencies in the workplace environment. Students will need to organise this placement with a relevant Clinic, Facility or Organisation.
Mandatory work placement hours 800 (500 hours of which must be clinical work placement experience, to be eligible for registration by the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practice Board of Australia).
Mandatory requirements:
You will be required to either be working in or have access to volunteering in a relevant clinic, facility, or organisation and have a suitably qualified supervisor from that sector to sign you off on industry reports. These reports assess your ability to perform tasks in the workplace, and they are referred to as ‘third party reports’.
Some units within your course will require you to complete this workplace task and are identified in the assessment requirements for that unit.
AHPRA Registration Details
Students enrolled in this training program will be registered with the Board under the National Law. More information on Student Registration can be found on the AHPRA website.
Under limited circumstances Registered Students may be liable for mandatory notification to be made about them. It is important that prospective students are also familiar with AHPRAs Guidelines for Mandatory notifications about registered students.
AHPRA National Board of Conduct
Administration of Medications
Students looking to undertake the training program should be aware of legislative limitations and workplace policy or procedural requirements about the administration of medications. This training program includes the delivery of two core units of competency that address performance evidence about Administering Medications and Supporting the Safe Use of Medications.
To ensure all students have the opportunity to gain competency in the knowledge and skills required for these units, VACCHO attempts to fully replicate the resources, environment, and time productivity pressures associated with these activities within its simulated learning environment.
Students looking to go on to register with AHPRA must maintain current knowledge about the scope of practice of their role with regards to medicines within the State or Territory they intend to practice.
Refer to VACCHO Course Fee 2025
Skills First Aboriginal Access fee waiver’ is available for students who identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islanders. Your tuition fees are covered under this scheme.
Various funding schemes will cover the amenities and material fees for a student who identifies as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander.
Fees and charges for students from the broader community will be individually assessed and tailored to each case.
The student tuition fees, as published, are subject to change given individual circumstances at enrolment.
You may be eligible for a Fee Concession (VACCHO will check your entitlement for a Fee Concession as part of your enrolment and prior to the commencement of training). This includes holders of a current Health Care Card and pensioner Concession.
Travel and accommodation may be AbStudy subsidised for eligible students. Ask for further details.
- Desktop computer/laptop.
- Stable internet connection with a minimum download speed of 3mbps.
- An email account such as Yahoo, Hotmail or Gmail.
- Microsoft Office (2010 version or later) – must include Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
- Video conferencing software (Zoom) preferred.
You must:
- be an Australian citizen; OR b) a holder of a permanent visa; OR c) a New Zealand citizen.
- not be enrolled in more than two Skills First subsidised qualifications at one time
- commence a maximum of two Skills First subsidised programs that are AQF qualifications in a calendar year (the ‘2 AQF qualifications in a year’ limit).
OR you may meet some of the eligible criteria if you:
- meet the Eligibility Exemptions Initiative requirements, eg. a retrenched worker or a JVEN client
VACCHO encourages individuals with disabilities to access government-subsidised training.
As the Skills First requirement changes frequently, please check the Victorian Government’s Skills Gateway website to check your eligibility.
For up-to-date information please contact the VACCHO Education and Training Unit on (03) 9411 9411.
- HLT50221 Diploma of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Primary Health Care
- HLT57715 Diploma of Practice Management

Training may be supported by Skills First Program, delivered with Victorian and Commonwealth Government funding. The student’s tuition fees are as published and are subject to change given individual circumstances. This nationally recognised qualification is delivered by VACCHO (RTO No: 20739 and which is responsible for the quality of all services and the issuing of accredited certification. This qualification provides the skills and knowledge to the industry standard but does not guarantee a job. We actively tailor training for people from diverse backgrounds, including those with disabilities and encourage all to apply.
More Information
- Subsidised training and funding >>
- Student information including Credit Transfer and Recognition of Prior Learning >>
To make an enquiry or apply for this course, submit an Expression of Interest via the link below.
RTO 20739

Aboriginal Health

Business and Leadership

Social and Emotional Wellbeing