Sexual Health
VACCHO supports our Member organisations through the provision of advocacy, training, support and health promotion services relating to Blood Borne Virus (BBV), sexual and reproductive health care.
Funded through the Federal Government since 1996, the Sexual Health Program has been instrumental in maintaining a voice for Aboriginal sexual health in Victoria. Our work is guided nationally aim is to:
- Promote sexual and reproductive wellbeing
- Reduce the impact and prevalence of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), Blood Born
- Viruses (BBVs) at both the individual and Community level
- Reduce the impact of unintended pregnancies
- Ensure appropriate, accessible and high quality sexual and reproductive primary health care services are available to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Victoria
- Advocate for the development of a sexual and reproductive health workforce
- Ensure health promotion in the areas of sexual and reproductive wellbeing is effective and meets the needs of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community in Victoria.
Sharing the date with Valentines Day, 14 February is also National Condom Day and is an opportunity to celebrate safer sex and relationships.
Everyone has the right to learn about sexual health so that we can have healthy relationships, and safe, consensual, and pleasurable sex.
STIs don’t discriminate – safe sex is yours and everyone’s responsibility.
Condoms protect you, your partners and your Community against STIs and unplanned pregnancies.
Get your free condoms from your local ACCOs.

Better Health Channel – Sexual Health – The Better Health Channel provide health and medical information to improve the health and wellbeing of people and the communities they live in. They have a range of resources relating to Sexual Health including sexual health basics, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), sexual identity, contraception and much more.
Hepatitis B – the basics (2020) – by VACCHO