Student information
Information for students undertaking accredited training at VACCHO.
Recognition of Prior Learning / Credit Transfer
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is the formal assessment of your skills, knowledge, and competencies already obtained through formal or informal study, experience in the workplace, life experience including voluntary work, domestic, or social activities.
Recognition of Prior Learning could help reduce the time it takes you to complete a course/program, as well as reducing the cost, and allowing you to graduate or enter a higher qualification earlier.
Our VACCHO RPL Assessor will review the evidence you provide, i.e.:
- review the evidence and notes the quality of evidence provided for each unit.
- identify any gaps and may contact you, the candidate, to organise a ‘competency conversation’—i.e. a RPL assessment interview (in this case, the RPL assessor may choose to gather some of the required knowledge evidence, verbally; the RPL assessor must detail answers to questions for verbal evidence provided).
- Contact one or more of the third-party referees you, the candidate, names in their portfolio—the VACCHO RPL assessor should only do this if they have questions about the evidence you, the candidate, has submitted and feels that the referee can clarify and support.
- Contact you, the candidate, and ask them for more evidence when and where necessary. The VACCHO RPL assessor uses the evidence and maps the evidence to the criteria of the unit.
- The VACCHO RPL assessor makes a decision on competence for each unit applied for.
- The VACCHO RTO will inform you, the candidate, of the outcome.
Credit Transfer is when you, the candidate, have already completed a Unit with another training provider and you are given credit for the same unit at VACCHO.
Credit Transfer will help you reduce the time it takes you to complete a course, as well as reducing the cost, and allowing you to graduate or enter a higher qualification earlier.
Before you start a course with us, VACCHO will undertake a thorough Pre-Training Review that goes through the Recognition of Prior Learning and Credit Transfer process with you and provide you with support when applying for credit you may be eligible for. You can also apply with Recognition of Prior Learning and Credit Transfer at any time during your course.
For further information on Recognition of Prior Learning and Credit Transfer, please call VACCHO on 03 9411 9411 or email the Education and Training Unit.
Unique Student Identifier (USI)
All students undertaking study with VACCHO are required to have a Unique Student Identifier (USI) issued by the Australian Government.
Having a Unique Student Identifier allows you to track all of the training you have completed since it was introduced in 2015, and have all of that information in one place, so if you lose your certificate, you can obtain the course information and a record of your graduation from the USI website.
It is easy to get a USI and you only have to do it once as it lasts for life. We can assist you in applying for a USI if you don’t already have one, or you can apply directly online.
To apply online or for more information on Unique Student Identifiers, please visit the USI website or call 1300 857 536.
Complaints and Appeals
VACCHO takes complaints very seriously and is committed to investigating all complaints in a fair, efficient and effective way.
VACCHO’s focus is on the support of the student through the academic journey.
If you are not satisfied with any training services offered by VACCHO or have a complaint about any matter related to your training program, we encourage you to contact VACCHO as soon as possible, so we can work with you to review and resolve your concerns.
You can make an informal complaint by speaking to your trainer or one of our Student Engagement Officers. You can speak to them in person or email, or by telephone to 03 9411 9411.
If you would like to make a more formal complaint, you can contact the Executive Manager, VACCHO RTO. You can call them on 03 9411 9411 or email them.
All complaints will be acknowledged within seven working days.
You can also use the form available here and send it by email or forward it to:
Private and Confidential
Executive Manager, Education Training Unit
Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation
PO Box 1328, Collingwood VIC 3066
For more information please see our Policy for complaints and appeals here.
If you wish you appeal the result you received in an Assessment Task or any other decision made by a VACCHO fill and submit an Appeal Form.
Do you have feedback for the RTO?
RTO Feedback Form
We welcome and value all feedback about VACCHO’s RTO training services. Please provide any constructive feedback or suggestions for improvement by completing this form. Your feedback is valuable to us, and we want to assure you that it will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. Your privacy is important, and we respect and safeguard your personal information should you choose to disclose it.
More information
Key documents and policies for students enrolled at VACCHO’s RTO
If you are currently enrolled with us and have an enquiry, or interested in studying at VACCHO please fill out and submit the form below or contact the Education and Training Unit at VACCHO by calling (03) 9411 9411.
Accredited Courses

Aboriginal Health

Business and Leadership

Social and Emotional Wellbeing