Rainbow Mob

VACCHO’s vision is to create vibrant, healthy, self-determining Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. And that includes all LGBTQIASB+ community members.

Here, you’ll find resources for supporting and celebrating the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander LGBTQIASB+ community.

Rainbow Mob inclusion matters

Rainbow Mob have always been, and will always be, a celebrated part of Aboriginal communities. And just like all Community members, Rainbow Mob deserve to feel safe, valued and supported.

So how can an ACCO get started on Rainbow Mob inclusion? Here’s what we recommend:

  • Engage in our Rainbow Mob Health training
  • Show your inclusivity with Rainbow Mob posters, flyers and other signage
  • Use respectful, inclusive language when working with Rainbow Mob
  • Support your Rainbow Mob staff through their lived experiences
  • Get Rainbow Tick Accreditation

VACCHO can help with all these strategies. Discover our resources below.


Rainbow Mob Health Training

VACCHO and the Wurru Wurru Health Unit offer a FREE online training package to help the health and wellbeing sector support LGBTQIASB+ Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

The three-hour course includes:

  • Lived experience videos
  • Engaging activities
  • Practical guidelines for supporting Rainbow Mob in Victoria.

Topics cover intersectionality, social and cultural health determinants, Rainbow Mob health priorities, and delivering culturally safe care.

To enrol, visit the VACCHO training page, click ‘Login,’ select ‘Create a new account,’ and sign up for the Rainbow Mob Health course.


Our Strong Voices Episode 3: Intersectionality with Rainbow Mob

Listen to the powerful voices of some deadly Rainbow Mob community members as they share their reflections and lived experiences on cultural safety, intersectionality, truth telling, unconscious bias, and so much more.

Duration: 38min | Date: June 2023


Rainbow Mob posters

Get your hands on VACCHO’s Rainbow Mob inclusion posters and resources. Designed for ACCOs and other services to promote Rainbow Mob inclusion in their organisation. Anyone can use them – and anyone can share them!

Community facing resources:

Staff facing resources:

Supporting QTIBPOC – together

Trans people come in all shapes and sizes, across all ages, cultures, genders, faiths, spiritualities, bodies and backgrounds. There’s no one way to be trans.

But sadly, Queer, Trans Indigenous, Black and People of Colour (QTIBPOC) can experience discrimination at higher rates than their peers.

The good news? Research shows that safe, respectful and supportive environments, friends and loved ones make a huge positive difference.

That’s why VACCHO and Transgender Victoria came together to create this downloadable resource. It’s here to help us learn more about QTIBPOC and foster spaces that are more meaningful, impactful and inclusive.


Organisations that support Rainbow Mob

Here are some fantastic organisations for LGBTQIASB+ Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members. Whether you’re looking for practical support, more resources – or just someone understanding to lend an ear – they’ve got you covered.

Koorie Pride Victoria is helping build visibility, strength and connection for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander LGBTIQASB+ people – our beautiful Rainbow Mob – across all of Victoria.

Black Rainbow is a national volunteer Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander LGBQTIA+SB social enterprise in the pursuit of positive health and wellbeing for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual + Sistergirls and Brotherboys (LGBQTIASB+).

BlaQ is the peak organisation for Aboriginal lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual + Sistergirl and Brotherboy (LGBTQIASB+) peoples and Communities in NSW.

Thorne Harbour Health is a LGBTIQ+ community-controlled organisation, governed by their members, and working for sex, sexuality and gender diverse communities. Thorne Harbour Health has an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health program.

Transgender Victoria is Victoria’s leading body for trans and gender diverse advocacy. TVG works to achieve justice, equity and inclusive service provision for trans and gender diverse people, their partners, families and friends.

Transcend Australia is a community-led support organisations for Australian families and their trans, gender diverse and non-binary children and young people.

Queerspace is an LGBTIQ+ health and wellbeing support service by LGBTIQ+ communities for LGBTIQ+ communities, with a focus on relationships, families, parenting and young people. It offers co-located services across the north- west metropolitan region of Victoria.

Switchboard provides peer-driven support services for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and gender diverse, intersex, queer and asexual (LGBTIQA+) people, their families, allies and communities.

QLife provides anonymous and free LGBTIQ+ peer support and referral for people in Australia wanting to talk about sexuality, identity, gender, bodies, feelings or relationships.

Zoe Belle Gender Collective (ZBGC) is a trans and gender diverse led advocacy organisation based in Victoria, Australia.

The Victorian Pride Centre is the first purpose-built centre for Australia’s LGBTIQ+ communities. It is a place to pave new directions for LGBTIQ+ communities, while honouring and celebrating their brave – and at times difficult – past. It is home to practical and supportive services and will grow into a destination for visitors from across Australia, and beyond.

As Australia’s not for profit LGBTIQA+ media organisation, JOY Media represents the people, stories, news, music, and lived experiences of Australia’s LGBTIQA+ community and our allies.

Minus18 is Australia’s charity improving the lives of LGBTQIA+ youth via life-affirming youth events, digital resources, and education for the whole community.

Other resources

Dive deeper with these Rainbow Mob resources – fit for individual use and at ACCOs

Community stories

Research and reports

Government and organisation resources

Posters, flyers and more


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