Yarns related to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health sector.
Listen and learn from deadly Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders, thinkers and trailblazers who provide honest, raw, highly informative, no-nonsense yarns about First Peoples health and wellbeing.
VACCHO podcasts

Episode 3: Intersectionality with Rainbow Mob
Listen to the powerful voices of some deadly Rainbow Mob community members as they share their reflections and lived experiences on cultural safety, intersectionality, truth telling, unconscious bias, and so much more.
Duration: 38min | Date: June 2023
Episode 2: Cultural Safety and Mental Health
VACCHO’s Charelle Jackson sits down for a powerful conversation with Sheree Lowe, VACCHO’s Executive Director for the Balit Durn Durn Centre of Excellence for Social and Emotional Wellbeing. Sheree, proud Djab Wurrung and Gunditjmara woman, yarns about the importance of embedding culturally safe practices within both mainstream and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mental health sector and the positive impact this could have on Community. She also speaks candidly about her upbringing, family and the people who have inspired her throughout her life.
Content warning: This podacst contains discussion about mental health, racism, the Stolen Generations and other topics that maybe triggering to Community and the general public.
Duration: 58min | Date: August 2022
Episode 1: Cultural Safety and Leadership
VACCHO’s deadly CEO, Jill Gallagher, AO, reflects on her childhood, the need for more Aboriginal history and culture taught in schools and what cultural safety means to her and her leadership style.
Content warning: This podcast contains discussion the Stolen Generations and other topics that maybe triggering to Community and the general public.
Duration: 30min | Date: July 2022
VACCHO’s first ever cultural safety podcast
Our Strong Voices explores key issues that impact cultural safety for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples via powerful and robust yarning.
The podcast provides listeners with honest, raw, highly informative, no-nonsense conversations featuring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders, thinkers, and trailblazers.
No topic is off limits with each episode showcasing unique insights that delve into the links between cultural safety and the holistic health and wellbeing of Australia’s First Peoples.
Cultural safety can be defined as an environment that is safe for people; where there is no assault, challenge, or denial of their identity, of who they are and what they need. It is about shared respect, shared meaning, shared knowledge and experience, of learning, living and working together (Williams, 1999. Cultural Safety: what does it mean for our work practice?).
Cultural safety is critical to the health and wellbeing of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and should be implemented and taught everywhere, from businesses to schools.
Our Strong Voices is an implementation and extension of the crucial teachings provided by VACCHO’s Cultural Safety Services team.
DISCLAIMER: VACCHO would like to advise Aboriginal and or Torres Strait Islander peoples that this program may contain images, voices, and discussions of those who have returned to the Dreaming.
Cultural Safety Resources
Other Deadly yarns
NAIDOC Week 2023: Elder Yarns with Aunty Margaret Clarke
Proud Muthi Muthi woman and VACCHO’s VCAACD Training and Support Officer Aunty Margaret Clarke sat down with 3KND’s Wendy Brooke to discuss what it is that makes Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders the heart and soul of Community.
Duration: 25min| Date: July 2023
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