Nutrition & Physical Activity
Food security and access to healthy, affordable and culturally appropriate food is key for vibrant, healthy, self-determining Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities in Victoria.
VACCHO’s Nutrition team works collaboratively with Member ACCOs and key stakeholders to improve food security and nutrition outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. We do this by:
For more information please contact our Nutrition team.
Research projects
The FoodPATH Project
The Food Policies for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health (FoodPATH) project aims to empower Communities to determine the actions needed to promote healthier food environments.
We are seeking ACCOs to in Victoria to get involved!
Aboriginal Data and Action on Prevention Together
The ADAPT report provides valuable insight into the links between nutrition, physical activity and wellbeing amongst Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in regional Victoria. This report was produced in partnership with Deakin University’s Institute for Health Transformation.
First 2000 days - Nutrition and active play for Aboriginal bubs and families.
VACCHO is pleased to be working with Fiona Mitchell and the Infant team from Deakin University to support healthy eating and active play for Aboriginal bubs and families across the first 2000 days of life.
If you’re interested in knowing more or being involved in the project, get in touch!

About Fiona
“I am a Mununjali Bundjalung woman from southeast Queensland living on Gunditjmara Country in Warrnambool. I have over 10 years’ experience in child and adolescent mental health and wellbeing with the majority of my time being in far west New South Wales. Due to the rich experiences I had and the knowledge gained over this time, I decided to do my PhD broadly focus on healthy eating and active play between Aboriginal mums and bubs. I’m passionate about the health of our young ones as they are going to be our future decision makers and knowledge holders. I’m looking forward to working with Community and VACCHO so that this can be achieved.”
Resources for ACCOs and Community members in Victoria
The VACCHO Nutrition team has developed a range of resources to download. print, display, distribute and keep.
Artwork by Tamara Murray (Barkindji’), titled ‘Eat well live long’
Growing Up Healthy and Deadly Education Book
Adivce to help children grow and thrive as future Elders.
Growing Up Healthy and Deadly aims to provide information for parents, carers and workers, to support Aboriginal children aged 2 – 11 years to grow up healthy and deadly. Growing Up Healthy and Deadly contains information and activities on the following topics: healthy deadly tucker, physical activity, oral health, sleep and ear health.
If you’d like to order hard copies for your programs/services, please get in touch with VACCHO’s Nutrition team via email or download a digital copy.
Eat Healthy, Stay Deadly colouring book
VACCHO’s Eat Healthy, Stay Deadly colouring book – a new activity book for younger Mob to encourage learning about different types of vegetables and fruits, and the importance of eating a rainbow of colour every day.
If you’d like to order hard copies for your programs/services, please get in touch with VACCHO’s Nutrition team via email or download a digital copy and get started colouring right away!
VACCHO x Foodbank Victoria recipe cards
VACCHO has teamed up with FoodBank Victoria to produce healthy recipe cards packed full of easy yummy nutritious recipes we can all cook for our Mob. Download all ten delicious recipes below!
We’ve collaborated with FoodBank Victoria to promote healthy eating and deadly meals at home that the whole family can enjoy.
Get in touch with the VACCHO Nutrition team to get order your pack of recipe cards to hand out to your Community.

Deadly tooth tips
Good nutrition is important for good oral health. Dental Health Service Victoria has developed the following downloadable resources that Communities and organisations can share to promote deadly oral health. The materials were designed by Madison Connors a proud and strong Yorta Yorta (Wolithica), Dja Dja Wurrung and Kamilaroi woman and mother to two boorais.
- Deadly Tooth Tips – brouchure [PDF]
- Deadly Tooth Tips – posters [PDF]
- Deadly Tooth Tips – social media kit [PDF]

Drink water u mob
Sugary drinks have too much sugar in them, and we know our mob drink heaps. Check out Rethink Sugary Drink for tips and resources.
Get healthy and take the pledge by going sugary drink free for your next event or program. Contact our Nutrition team for tips and information
Healthy deadly lunch boxes
Free downloadable information book, poster and colouring-in sheets that will have you and your young ones making healthy, deadly lunches in no time.
The book includes:
- Loads of healthy, deadly lunch box menus!
- Tips for packing a healthy, deadly lunch box
- Healthy packaged snacks ideas
- Food and drinks to leave out of a lunch box
- Healthy food swaps
- Tips for keeping food fresh and safe
- Tips for saving money on food
Want to get kids in the mood for healthy food?
VACCHO’s Members can place an order for free Healthy deadly lunchbox kits by completing this order form and submit it via our enquiry form below.
Healthy Tucker Resources
- Healthy Tucker cards – This handy little wallet-sized card can be printed and used to compare food and drinks based on their nutrition information panel located on the label. It helps compare saturated fat, sugar and sodium (salt) and generally assists in making healthier food and drink choices.
- Traffic light guide for healthy tucker – Explains step-by-step how to use the Healthy Tucker Card and Healthy Drinks Card to compare food and drink labels
Tucker Talk tip sheets
These printable factsheets provides nutrition and physical activity information for families
Tucker talk tip sheets for kids
These printable factsheets provides nutrition and physical activity information for families with young children

Free downloadable and printable posters to display at your organisation
- Caring for Community – 5 star BBQ
- Caring for Community – Healthy BBQ tips
- Rethink Sugary Drink
- Sports drinks are gammin!
- Drink Water You Mob! Our Stories
- Drink Water You Mob! Our Stories – healthy Koori organisations
- Packing a healthy, deadly lunch box!
- Stress-free meal times
- Healthy food swaps
- What’s in that snack?
- Processed and unprocessed foods
Key documents, reports and publications related to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community nutitrition.
Got a query? Get in touch by filling out and submitting the form below or by phone 03 9411 9411.