Social and Emotional Wellbeing
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social and Emotional Wellbeing Framework, otherwise known as the “SEWB model”, defines social and emotional wellbeing as a multidimensional concept of health that includes mental health, but also encompasses health and wellbeing.
This includes a connection to land or Country, Culture, Spirituality, Ancestry, Family, and Community.
VACCHO works closely with internal and external stakeholders to ensure that social and emotional wellbeing solutions and initiatives for community are driven for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander voices and expertise.
Key Work:
- VACCHO submission to the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System – We welcome the Royal Commission’s emphasis on the need for holistic and sustainable mental health services that address the experience of the individual in the context of their family and broader Community. Our role ensures that recommendations related to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social and Emotional Wellbeing are being implemented and led by community. The Royal Commission’s Final Report was released in February 2021 and is available to the public.
- VACCHO developed Balit Durn Durn – Strong brain, mind, intellect and sense of self. Balit Durn Durn was conceived by VACCHO to support the Royal Commission’s Final Report, which was tabled in the Victorian Parliament in February 2021
- VACCHO’s Centre of Excellence for Aboriginal Social and Emotional Wellbeing – The newly established Centre of Excellence and will continue to provide input, policy advice and expertise on a range of stakeholder and government consultations related to the new mental health system.
Key documents, submission and position papers.