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VACCHO Unveils the Victorian Aboriginal Cancer Journey Strategy
Earlier this week VACCHO was proud to be joined by the Minister for Health, Hon. Mary-Anne Thomas, to launch the Victorian Aboriginal Cancer Journey Strategy...
“Strike while the iron is hot” and vote ‘yes’ for a Voice.
On 21 May 2023, 250 inner west residents attended The Voice Forum, held in Altona by Tim Watts MP, eager to hear from Minister for Indigenous Australians, the...
Second VACCHO Statewide GP Gathering a Huge Hit
VACCHO were honoured to host our second Statewide GP Gathering on Wurundjeri Country in Healesville in early May. The Gathering brings together GPs who work in...
VACCHO Says ‘YES’ To Indigenous Voice to Parliament
The Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (VACCHO) urges all Australians to be part of a defining moment in the nation’s history by voting ‘Yes’...
VACCHO welcome Police apology but cautions: actions speak louder than words
VACCHO welcomes Chief Commissioner Patton’s apology for actions that have traumatised Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, but calls for action to prevent continued harm.
VACCHO supports passing of life-saving medically supervised injecting room bill
VACCHO supports the passing of the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Amendment (Medically Supervised Injecting Centre) Bill 2023