Ever growing, always strong
In 2021, VACCHO pivoted to an outcomes-based approach. That means now, more than ever, you can see our impact – on Members and Community.

Real change led by Community
At VACCHO, we’re not about lip service or unachievable goals. We’re about making a real, measurable difference in the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Victoria.
We do this by supporting Members to become self-determining local cultural hubs with wrap-around services from pre-birth to the Dreaming.
Whatever their needs, whatever their vision – we’re here to back Members through it all. Because positive outcomes happen when Aboriginal people lead and participate in decisions that affect our lives.
Measuring what matters
Our work is underpinned by three strategic priorities: Our Foundations, Strong Voice and Health and Healing. And we measure our success by them, too.
It’s all part of incorporating Aboriginal ways of knowing, being and doing into our practices and procedures.

A small window into our big impact
Discover some of the positive impact our work has had on ACCOs, Community and the public in 2024.
Of Members satisfied with VACCHO’s services and support.
Funding proposals for Members supported.
Increase in overall funding compared to FY2023.
Of staff said VACCHO is a ‘Great Place to Work’.
SEWB workfore training sessions held across 14 locations.
Students enrolled at VACCHO’s Registered Training Organisation, Yagilaith Djerring.
Hours of consultation in the Balit Durn Durn Centre for co-design projects.
Funding secured for marra ngarroo, marra goorri: The Victorian Aboriginal Health, Medical and Research Accord.
Funding secured for VACCHO’s Culture and Kinship program.
Of Cultural Safety Training participants recommend the training.
Hours saved by ACCO staff using VACCHO’s management platform Message Stick.
Policy and advocacy submissions produced to influence government.
Member organisations’ building assest assessed for funding needs.
Speaking events organised for The Voice campaign.
Breast screens completed thanks to the Beautiful Shawl Project.
Committed to transparency, ever year
We evaluate our work and transparently publish the results in annual Impact Reports – so Community, Members and our partners can see our impact and trust our growth. Learn about our previous reports here.