
VACCHO is the peak representative for Community controlled health and wellbeing sector of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Victoria.

The Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (VACCHO) is the peak body for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and wellbeing in Victoria, with a membership of 33 Community-controlled organisations. 

VACCHO is recognised as the peak representative organisation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health in Victoria; while on a national scale, VACCHO represents the Community-controlled health sector through its affiliation and membership on the Board of the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO)

Our role is to support our Members in the delivery of high-quality, culturally safe health and social services to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community across the state. We do this by: 

  • advocating on issues related to Community health and wellbeing
  • strengthening support networks
  • increasing workforce development opportunities
  • partnering with government and mainstream health organisations to embed self-determination and culturally informed approaches across health services and systems.

Self-determination is at the heart of what we do and what we want to achieve. Our vision is for Culture, Community and Country to be embedded and respected in all healthcare settings and for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to have equitable health access and outcomes.


Our History


Our Board


Our People


Our Vision

About the VACCHO Logo

Our logo was originally created on canvas by Koori artist Lyn Briggs in 1997, the story and meaning behind the logo underpin VACCHO’s philosophy:

“The painting depicts tracks, inspired by the old tracks…which represent the connection between VACCHO members and Aboriginal people across Australia. The figures represent VACCHO members working on behalf of all Victorian Kooris.”

“Sitting groups throughout Victoria symbolising the talking that must go on in communities to achieve a better life for Kooris.”

Reference: Communities Working for Health and Wellbeing: Success Stories from the Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Sector in Victoria, VACCHO, VACCHO & The Cooperative Research Centre for Aboriginal Health Melbourne, 2007.

Request to use the VACCHO logo

The VACCHO logo may be used by our Members and partners, including government, media and mainstream health organisations. Please contact the Communications team to discuss the use of the logo for your purpose/s. Send your requests to communications@vaccho.org.au and we will be in touch.

Please be advised that the VACCHO logo cannot be used in a manner that falsely implies affiliation with the VACCHO brand, is misleading, or causes confusion regarding VACCHO’s relationship with any person or entity. The VACCHO logo cannot be used to imply or endorse a commercial product or service. No alterations or distortions can be made to the logo. 

All external requests can be directed to the Communications Team.


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