Discarding ‘Activity Test’ For Childcare A Win For Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Families

Dec 13, 2024

VACCHO’s Centre of Excellence for Aboriginal Families Wellbeing welcomes Federal Labor’s plan to drop the childcare activity test, which would help more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families access vital early childhood education.

Executive Director of VACCHO’s Centre of Excellence for Aboriginal Families Wellbeing Sheree Lowe, said the proposal would provide opportunity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families to enter the workforce and engage in further education along with seeing thousands of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children have access to essential early childhood education and care.

“For far too long, the activity test has denied many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children the opportunity to access all important early childhood learning services.”

“Dropping the activity test would mean that more of our Boorai (babies and young children) can access childcare, resulting in them being more developmentally ready for school, and setting them up for bright and promising futures. Evidence shows that early participation in education settings support strong and deadly boorais especially when attending Aboriginal led services,” she said.

The Government also announced a growth fund for new centres in “childcare deserts” or thin markets which exist predominately in regional and remote areas.

“Our goal is for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children to grow up in safe and nurturing environments and to have equal opportunities to reach their full potential,” said Ms Lowe “Aboriginal Community Controlled-led centres play an important role in making this a reality.”

The Prime Minister’s proposal would mean better education outcomes and employment prospects for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families- as well as help to break the cycles of disadvantage.

“We call on all levels of government to join us in changing policies and practices so that we are supporting the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families,” said Ms Lowe.

Read more about the Centre for Excellence for Aboriginal Families Wellbeing

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VACCHO is the peak body for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and wellbeing in Victoria – the only one of its kind – with 33 Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations as Members. VACCHO Members support over 65,000 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Victoria, and combined are the largest employers of Aboriginal people in the state.