VACCHO’s Community Question Time sparks fervent discussions ahead of the Federal Election 

Mar 20, 2025

The Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (VACCHO) hosted their third Community Question Time at the Aborigines Advancement League on Tuesday 18 March

The insightful evening provided a great platform for conversations that were powerful, raw and at times, emotionally charged. The all-Indigenous panel included Greens Senator Dorinda Cox, Labor Senator Jana Stewart, Independent Senator Lidia Thorpe and VACCHO CEO Dr. Jill Gallagher AO.  

The panellists delved into 90 minutes of thought-provoking conversations that covered a broad range of topics such as advocating for better social care systems, changing the date of Australia Day and other matters impacting the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. 

Hosted by respected elder, Uncle Charles Pakana, the special event was presented in partnership with Centre of Excellence for Aboriginal Families Wellbeing, Lowitja Institute and Clothing the Gaps. 

VACCHO CEO Dr Jill Gallagher AO said the Q&A event provided a unique opportunity to bring Senators to the same table to answer important questions from Mob about important issues facing them in the lead up to the Federal election. 

“Truth-telling and uncomfortable conversations are central to the way forward for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.” 

“I commend my fellow panellists for being brave and opening themselves up to be part of these important discussions. I also thank the Community who attended for their incredible engagement and willingness to voice their important questions.

“As we wait for the Federal election to be called, we need to ensure that Aboriginal health and wellbeing is a priority for all political parties.” 

“It’s time they stopped using us as a political football,” she said. 

Dr Gallagher said she has received positive feedback from Community about the night and says VACCHO will continue to offer these important events for future local, state and federal elections, giving a much-needed voice to Aboriginal people. 

VACCHO thanks the deadly 3KND team who broadcast the event live – elevating the event to a nationwide audience. VACCHO would also like to thank Uncle Bill for his moving smoking ceremony. 

Media enquiries

For further media enquiries please email or contact our media unit on (03) 9411 9411.


VACCHO is the peak body for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and wellbeing in Victoria – the only one of its kind – with 33 Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations as Members. VACCHO Members support over 65,000 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Victoria, and combined are the largest employers of Aboriginal people in the state.