Today Aboriginal leaders met with the Federal Minister for Housing and Homelessness Clare O’Neil, to discuss the critical priorities of housing and homelessness amongst Aboriginal Communities in Victoria.
Hosted at Ngwala Willumbong Aboriginal Corporation’s Homelessness Entry Point site, the Minister met with several organisations who are all members of the Victorian Aboriginal Housing and Homelessness Forum (AHHF).
The AHHF provides a dedicated space to engage in culturally safe planning, advocacy and action to progress the strategic objectives of Mana-na woorn-tyeen maar-takoort: Every Aboriginal Person has a Home.
Mana-na woorn-tyeen maar-takoort is the self-determined framework for Aboriginal housing and homelessness reform in Victoria. The Framework was developed by community, for community in 2020, to reflect the objectives and priorities of the Victorian Aboriginal community and respond to community needs across the housing and homelessness systems over the next 20 years.
During the meeting, discussions centred around several key priorities including the establishment of an appropriate Aboriginal homelessness target in Victoria
Over the last five years, there has been a 30 per cent increase in the number of Aboriginal Victorians accessing specialist homelessness services, compared to a three percent decrease for non-Indigenous Victorians over the same period.
The gap in housing between Aboriginal Victorians and non-Indigenous Victorians continues to widen at a rapid rate and the AHHF welcomes the support of Minister O’Neil to close the gap.
All leaders in attendance were pleased with the robust discussions that were had during the meeting. The Forum will invite Minister O’Neil to an upcoming AHHF meeting, to ensure that discussions progress and that Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations remain on the Governments health and wellbeing agenda.
Quotes to be attributed to Darren Smith, Chair, Aboriginal Housing and Homelessness Forum and CEO of Aboriginal Housing Victoria.
“We welcome Minister O’Neil’s engagement on the critical housing and homelessness challenges facing Aboriginal Victorians. An Aboriginal homelessness target would provide the accountability needed to help close the gap.”
“Safe, secure, and culturally appropriate housing is essential to improving health and wellbeing outcomes in our communities. ACCOs across the state are leading this work under relentless conditions, but the scale of the crisis demands urgent investment from all levels of government to grow housing supply and deliver real, lasting change – ensuring every Aboriginal person has a home.”
Quotes to be attributed to Dr Jill Gallagher AO, CEO of VACCHO
“This is a great first step in improving the state of housing for Aboriginal people in Victoria and ensuring that they have a safe home to live in.”
“Some of the key reforms that are required include critical and fast investment into housing supply including room for the growth of Aboriginal social housing as well as strengthening Aboriginal home ownership.”
“We don’t just want our mob to survive, we want them to thrive – and that means more Aboriginal Victorians owning their own home.”
Quotes to be attributed to Djaran Murray-Jackson, Member of First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria
“People need a safe and secure place to call home to be able to build a happy and healthy life, however the housing and homelessness crisis is pushing this essential foundation for a good life further out of reach for many people — particularly mob.”
“Traditional Owners and Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations have come together to build the network and create a plan to help more Aboriginal people get access to secure housing now we just need governments of all levels to work with us to help make this happen.”