New Research Shows Urgent Action on Food Security Is Needed

Sep 3, 2024

The Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (VACCHO) is thrilled to announce the publication of its landmark research paper, Food Policies for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health (FoodPATH): A Systems Thinking Approach’.

Developed in collaboration with Deakin University, the paper addresses growing food insecurity in Victorian Aboriginal Communities.

Published this July in the highly respected Elsevier Journal, this paper is the result of extensive engagement with six Aboriginal communities across urban and regional Victoria.

The research outlines the visual models Communities created to identify interconnected factors affecting food access – such as food affordability, food education and predatory junk food marketing. Plus, it emphasises the bold action needed to ensure Aboriginal families are supported to be healthy and thriving.

VACCHO stands behind the research and urges governments to take comprehensive action to address food insecurity, including by funding ACCOs to deliver new initiatives that meet Community’s needs.

Actions needed to create change should:

  • Increase access and affordability to healthy foods
  • Increase ability to grow food locally
  • Increase food-related knowledge and skills within families and communities, especially in relation to traditional foods
  • Limit junk food marketing and improve regulation of unhealthy food industries
  • Fund schools and ACCOs to increase children and families’ access to food and cooking education.

The published research follows VACCHO and Deakin University’s FoodPATH Community Report, which outlined 10 policy recommendations for a systems approach to food and nutrition policy action. These aim to prevent increasing rates of diet-related chronic disease and support vibrant, healthy, self-determining Aboriginal communities in Victoria.

VACCHO pays tribute to Rumbalara Aboriginal Co-operative, Njernda Aboriginal Co-operative, Bendigo & District Aboriginal Co-operative, Moogji Aboriginal Council and Wathaurong Aboriginal Co-operative for their enthusiasm, engagement and insights, which were pivotal in driving this research success.

Media enquiries

For further media enquiries please email or contact our media unit on (03) 9411 9411.


VACCHO is the peak body for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and wellbeing in Victoria – the only one of its kind – with 33 Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations as Members. VACCHO Members support over 65,000 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Victoria, and combined are the largest employers of Aboriginal people in the state.